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Adeeb, 20
Past Student

I'm  Adeeb Sawada, I joined Southern Dreams/ORHS in 2013 for the reason I couldn't attend public school and work at the same time, also because of my age was a little old to be in public high.


Mr. Anderson's Southern Dream/Orion High School program changed my life in so many ways. It was scary  and a difficult choice for me at the time, moving from a public school setting into an online school setting, but SD/ OHS opened there arms and welcomed me into their world. I got a chance too know my mentors and friends from all over the US and as well as students in other Countries. The schools  mentoring staff were so amazing, and entire SD/OHS family mad sure that i was prepaired for the next level of life. I became independent on my studing and I was able to work my full time job while taking courses. The school year passed by like a flash of light, only leaving me with beautiful memories, a better education, and more experience in life, as well as a bigger family. I still have a bright and long future ahead of me, and I'm aiming for the top. Even though I have graduated, I'll always be a part of the SD/OHS family, because that's who we are. I will  always carry SD/OHS in my heart.

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Jada, 21
I'm Jada Gilmore from Kosciusko, MS
I wanted guidance for when I went off to college.

 I joined Southern Dreams my senior year of high school in 2017. I wanted guidance for when I went off to college, and that is exactly what I got. Mr. Anderson has taken me under his wing and guided me through my college experiences. I have obtained my associate’s degree and soon my bachelor's degree, and I plan to continue to until I have my DVM. During the years with the help of Southern Dreams, I have been awarded numerous scholarships and honor society memberships because of my grades and character. Southern Dreams has helped me find my passion in exotic wildlife veterinary medicine as well as connected me with people who could help me reach my goals. In addition to help in college, Southern Dreams has taught me responsibility, leadership, and giving back to my community. I am grateful and truly blessed for all the experiences Southern Dreams has given and continues to give me.


Peyton Jenkins
Mother of 3
Current Student

By God's Grace I Will Be Graduating

It was in 2017 that I successfully enrolled with Southern Dreams, which is a mentoring program comprised of several components, one being a program to help current seniors in high school get the additional credits they need and those who didn’t pass their state exams...( shout-out to @Melvin Anderson)..y’all please believe me when I say the road was NOT easy but so WORTH it! There were many nights I wanted to throw in the towel, I mean trying to do homework with 3 kids was not easy! But, God blessed me with certain ones to help motivate and occasionally babysat a kid or two! It is with great pleasure that I announce ya girl
by God’s Grace WILL BE GRADUATING on August 4, 2018! 🙏🏽🙌🏽

Just to be clear, Trenton LeShawn, Triston DeShawn, and Trenystee Myrian are among THE ABSOLUTE BEST things to ever happen to me! They are my driving force for getting up and grinding each and every day! This diploma that I’ll be receiving is thanks to them and the Man upstairs that has ALWAYS been by my side!



The staff members of Southern Dreams are in the office and available most weekdays.


      8:00 AM - 6:00 PM


507 Market St.

Port Gibson,Ms 39150

301 East South St

Kosciusko,Ms 39090


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